Bundle Stars - Frontline Tactics Complete Bundle

Bundle Stars - Frontline Tactics Complete Bundle

Level up your fighting unit!

This complete package of Frontline Tactics contains the base game (Free to play) and the nine Frontline Tactics DLCs Close Quarter Combat, Desert Camo, Golden Gun, Medic, Ninja, Sniper, Snow Camo, Tiger Camo and Woodland.

This game is redeemable on Steam and playable on Windows PC and Apple Mac.

Grab the base game plus 9 DLCs for only €1.79.

Hint: Don´t miss the other Bundles by Bundle Stars.

This game bundle contains

Steam % 63

Frontline Tactics

Steam, Free-to-play | Windows, Mac | Action, Free to Play, General, Strategy

Frontline Tactics lets players command a modern, elite fighting unit over varied missions from defending and controlling a location or asset, to all-out elimination and survival.

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