StoryBundle - Urban Fantasy Bundle
StoryBundles´s latest ebook collection!
A bundle with 10 phenomenal books. Get terrific novels by bestselling, legendary authors and rising stars including Jim Butcher, Kevin J. Anderson, Vicki Pettersson, Carole Nelson Douglas and Peter J. Wacks.
Pay what you want starting at $5 for 6 books or pay more than the average and get the complete bundle!
These books are included:
- Nightingale by David Farland
- Whiskey and Water by Elizabeth Bear
- Neon Noir by Carole Nelson Douglas
- Villains by Rhiannon Paille
- Working Stiff by Kevin J. Anderson
- The Reordering by Vicki Pettersson
- The Devil You Know by P. N. Elrod
- Hair of the Wolf by Peter J. Wacks
- Tricknomancy by Michael A. Stackpole
- Working for Bigfoot by Jim Butcher
All books are DRM-Free and readable on just about any tablet, ereader, laptop or even your smartphone.