Steam: How to activate a Game / redeem a Steam key?

Steam: How to activate a Game / redeem a Steam key?

This tutorial shows how to redeem and activate a „Steam Product Code“ aka Steam Key inside the Steam Client. If you've purchased a game that requires Steam for the first time, you should follow these instructions to activate the game on Steam.

How to activate a game on Steam?

If you haven't installed Steam yet, you should download the client from the official Steam / Steampowered website and install it on your computer.

Download the Steam client here:: (Official website)

Install and start your Steam client.

Activate the Steam key... But where?

For new users, it's easy to miss the "add a game" button inside the Steam client. We created an graphic which should guide you through the process. Just follow the instructions and activate your new game on Steam.

  • 1. Click the button "+ ADD A GAME..." in the bottom left corner of your Steam client.
  • 2. You must agree with the Subscriber Agreement. Click the "I AGREE" button to proceed.
  • 3. Insert your Steam key in the field labeled with "Product Code".
  • 4. Click the "Next" button to activate/redeem your game on Steam.
  • 5. After you've clicked the "Finish" button you can start the download of the game!

Have fun.

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If you've any question or problem with this step by step guide, then just take a look at the comments! Feel free to ask a question, or just add a note!

How to activate a Steam key