The Humble Python Bundle

The Humble Python Bundle

What…. Is your name? What…. Is your quest?

Do you want to learn some Python skills? Are you tired of just holding two empty halves of a coconut and bangin' 'em together? Then look no further, good Sir Knight and grab the this all-new Humble Bundle.

▶ Pay what you want starting at $1 - Pay more, get more!

Hint: Don't miss the epic Humble MONTHLY bundle ❤

Included digital books:

  • Artificial Intelligence with Python
  • Beginning Python
  • Building RESTful Python Web Services
  • Deep Learning with Python
  • Expert Python Programming
  • Learning Concurrency in Python
  • Learning Python Web Penetration Testing
  • Learning Robotics using Python
  • Mastering Python
  • Mastering Python Networking
  • Modern Python Cookbook
  • Python Data Analysis Cookbook
  • Python Data Science Essentials
  • Python Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Python Design Patterns
  • Python GUI Programming Cookbook
  • Python High Performance
  • Python Machine Learning
  • Python Machine Learning Projects
  • Python Microservices Development
  • Python Programming with Raspberry Pi
  • Software Architecture with Python
  • Three Months of Mapt Pro for $30 Coupon
  • Web Development with Django Cookbook

These DRM-FREE books are available in PDF, ePUB, and MOBI, meaning you can read them anywhere at any time.