StoryBundle - International Crime Bundle
A new Story Bundle with 9 eBooks!
Story bundle got novels from some of the best crime writers today, having picked up such awards as the Goldsboro 'Last Laugh' Award, Anthony, Macavity and Agatha Award, Spinetingler Book of Year, Pulp Pusher Book of the Year and a small matter of a Pulitzer-prize!
Pay what you want starting at $3 for 6 books or pay more than the average and get the complete bundle including 9 titles!
These books are included:
- Megan's Cure by Robert B. Lowe
- The Outsider by Arlene Hunt
- The Big O by Declan Burke
- A World of Trouble by Jake Needham
- Exiles: An Outsider Anthology by Paul D. Brazill
- The Chosen by Arlene Hunt
- Full Moonlight by Vincent Zandri
- Blood Red Turns Dollar Green Vol. 1 by Paul O'Brien
- Blood Red Turns Dollar Green Vol. 2 by Paul O'Brien
All books are DRM-Free and readable on just about any tablet, ereader, laptop or even your smartphone.