Lifetime Deal - NatureID Plan Identification Premium

Lifetime Deal - NatureID Plan Identification Premium

Plant Encyclopedia Right on Your Phone! Be a True Plant Expert with This App's 10,000+ Plants Profiles, 3-Second Identification, & >95% Accuracy. A new e-Learning bundle.

▶ Get the complete bundle here!

How It Works?

  • To identify a plant, open the NatureID app and tap the Camera icon
  • Take a photo or choose one from Photos
  • Next, you will see the “Recognition in process” screen, followed by the screen with the suggestion of a plant recognized
  • Tap “Learn more” to get more information, if the plant was successfully recognized, or go to “Not a plant?” section to choose a different option

Thanks to AI technology, the app can identify over 14,000 plant species, diagnose their states, and give specified care advice. Users take photos of their indoor or outdoor plants using the NatureID app and receive recommendations on how to choose soil, water, and fertilize plants, set the appropriate temperature conditions, and more. We make content in collaboration with expert botanists.