IndieGameStand - Blaze Epic Bundle
A "Pay What You Want" mini bundle!
The Way of the Pixelated Fist: "Players play as Dag in this successor to Jump/Boxer as he looks to complete the trials within the 36 Chambers scattered throughout a village hidden within a city's rooftops."
Pay What You Want - starting at $0.25.
The game is available as DRM-Free download version. Also it´s on Steam Greenlight. Don´t miss to vote!
Give a little bit more - beat the average - and you´ll also get the games Jump/Boxer and Shin Samurai Jazz.
This game bundle contains
Jump/Boxer is a pseudo 8-bit action platformer with fighting game elements.
The Way of the Pixelated Fist
The Way of the Pixelated Fist is a parkour and martial arts inspired free-roaming cinematic platformer.