Indie Gala - Solar Blaze Indie Bundle
A new Steam game collection!
Don't miss this new game bundle by Indie Gala. It again contains a bunch of Steam titles.
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Hint: Don't miss the epic Humble MONTHLY bundle ❤
This game bundle contains
Xenia's Ark
Xenia’s Ark is a new 4x Sci-Fi Strategy Game that is currently under development by Malicious Games.
Tank Blazers
Tank Blazers is a fast, action-packed local multiplayer-only arcade game that brings back the joyful days of playing games together on the couch!
Solar Explorer: New Dawn
Solar Explorer: New Dawn is a modern take on a classic physics based Lunar Lander arcade video game.
Cranks and Goggles
Cranks & Goggles is a top down racing game set in the roaring 20s.
Chaos Village
Chaos Village is a top-down chaotic shooter game with various weapons, perks and power ups.
Midnight Ultra
In the American Southwest, a lone witch hunter travels across the desert, seeking to wipe out cultists of all sorts.
Jelly Bomber
An innovative abstract puzzler from the creators of 100 Rogues and Auro: A Monster-Bumping Adventure!