Indie Gala: Cthulhu Chaos Bundle
The Lovecraftian cosmic entity has blessed this indie game bundle with utter and indescribable chaotic energies. Energies never seen before, that you will discover from this selection.
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HINT: Don't miss the latest Humble CHOICE Bundle ❤ or find even more DEALS here!
This game bundle contains
Fear Of Mine
Fear of Mine - a visual novel in the genre of adventure and horror.
MerFight is a 2.5D fighting game involving 12 fishy fighters influenced by a variety of sea life such as angler fish, sharks, and the Yellowtail Fang Blenny with more of an emphasis on flexibility and leniency.
The Cleaner
The Cleaner is a hardcore die 'n' retry inspired by John Wick, Hotline Miami and SuperHot.