Humble "STARFINDER Solidarity" Bundle
Pay what you want. Science fantasy adventure in the stars. Gather up your starfaring crew and journey into the storied Starfinder tabletop role-playing game with this bundle of books and digital resources! A new Humble Bundle.
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This bundle contains:
- Starfinder Adventure: Redshift Rally
- Starfinder Adventure Path: Crash & Burn (Fly Free or Die 5 of 6)
- Starfinder Adventure Path: Merchants of the Void (Fly Free or Die 2 of 6)
- Starfinder Adventure Path: Professional Courtesy (Fly Free or Die 3 of 6)
- Starfinder Adventure Path: The Gilded Cage (Fly Free or Die 6 of 6)
- Starfinder Adventure Path: The White Glove Affair (Fly Free or Die 4 of 6)
- Starfinder Adventure Path: We're No Heroes (Fly Free or Die 1 of 6)
- Starfinder Alien Archive
- Starfinder Alien Archive 2 (PDF)
- Starfinder Alien Archive 3 (PDF)
- Starfinder Alien Archive Pawn Box (PDF)
- Starfinder Beginner Box (PDF)
- Starfinder Core Rulebook
- Starfinder Core Rulebook Pawn Collection (PDF)
- Starfinder Flip-Mat: Asteroid (PDF/JPG)
- Starfinder Flip-Mat: Basic Starfield (PDF/JPG)
- Starfinder Flip-Mat: Ghost Ship (PDF/JPG)
- Starfinder Flip-Mat: Jungle World (PDF/JPG)
- Starfinder Flip-Mat: Spaceport (PDF/JPG)
- Starfinder GM Screen (PDF)
- Starfinder Near Space (PDF)
- Starfinder One-Shot: System Takedown (PDF)
- Starfinder Pawn Collection: Fly Free or Die (PDF)
- Starfinder Player Character Folio (PDF)
- Starfinder Society Scenario: Corporate Interest (PDF)
- Starfinder Society Scenario: Pact World Warriors
- Starfinder Starship Operations Manual
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