Humble "Intro to Coding" Bundle 2022

Humble "Intro to Coding" Bundle 2022

Pay what you want starting at only $1. Learn coding the easy way! Start coding with some of the world's most popular languages and tools! Don't miss the latest Humble Bundle.

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Included content:

  • Bite-Sized HTML and CSS
  • Bite-Sized Roblox Game Development
  • Build a Pixel Art Paint App using Tkinter
  • Build a Roguelike Game with C++ and SFML
  • Create a Retro Local Multiplayer Game
  • Create a Spanish-Teaching Quiz
  • Create a Tower Defense Game
  • Intermediate Scratch - Self-Driving Car Simulation
  • Intro to C++ Data Structures
  • Intro to Coding with Scratch
  • Learn Object-Oriented C++ by Building a Game
  • Probability Foundations for Data Science
  • Python Foundations
  • Python GUIs with Tkinter for Beginners
  • Scratch Projects - Beach Clean Up Game
  • The Complete Introduction to C++