Humble Hiro Mashima's Manga Bundle
Take a tour of Hiro Mashima’s imagination.
An all-new bundle by
Pay what you want starting at $1 - Pay more, get more! We’re all fired up for our latest manga bundle! Get Fairy Tail, Edens Zero, Monster Soul, Rave Master, and more.
▶ Get the complete bundle here!
Hint: Don't miss the epic Humble MONTHLY bundle ❤
Included content:
- Right Stuf discount coupon for Fairy Tail Boxset 1
- Edens Zero Vol. 1
- Fairy Tail S Vol. 1
- Monster Soul Vol. 1
- Fairy Tail Vol. 1-20
- Fairy Tail Zero
- Fairy Tail S Vol. 2
- Edens Zero Vol. 2
- Monster Soul Vol. 2
- Fairy Tail Vol. 21-45
- Hiro Mashima's Playground
- Edens Zero Vol. 3-6
- Rave Master Vol. 1-20
- Rave Master Vol. 21-35
- Fairy Tail Vol. 46-63
- Edens Zero Chapters #51 - 59