Humble "Hacking 2.0" Bundle
We can hack it…again!
An all-new bundle by
Humble Bundle and Starch Press!
Pay what you want starting at $1 - Pay more, get more!
Normally, the total cost for this bundle is as much as $475.
▶ Get the complete bundle here!
Hint: Don't miss the epic Humble MONTHLY bundle ❤
Included books:
- A Bug Hunter's Diary: A Guided Tour Through the Wilds of Software Security
- Attacking Network Protocols: A Hacker's Guide to Capture, Analysis, and Exploitation
- Designing BSD Rootkits: An Introduction to Kernel Hacking
- Hacking the Xbox: An Introduction to Reverse Engineering
- Linux Basics for Hackers: Getting Started with Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali
- Malware Data Science: Attack Detection and Attribution
- Pentesting Azure Applications: The Definitive Guide to Testing and Securing Deployments
- PoC||GTFO, Volume 2
- Practical Binary Analysis: Build Your Own Linux Tools for Binary Instrumentation, Analysis, and Disassembly
- Practical Packet Analysis, 3rd Edition: Using Wireshark to Solve Real-World Network Problems
- Serious Cryptography: A Practical Introduction to Modern Encryption
- The IDA Pro Book, 2nd Edition: The Unofficial Guide to the World's Most Popular Disassembler
- The Practice of Network Security Monitoring: Understanding Incident Detection and Response