Humble Comics Bundle: Van Helsing & Friends
Pay what you want starting at $1. Get your teeth into Van Helsing & friends! It’s time to join Helsing and take it to those fanged fiends! Don't miss Humble Bundle's newest bundle!
This bundle contains:
- Robyn Hood I Love New York
- Robyn Hood Volume 1 Riot Girls
- Robyn Hood Volume 2 Monsters in the Dark
- Robyn Hood Volume 3 Attitude Adjustment
- Robyn Hood Volume 4 Uprising
- Van Helsing 50
- Van Helsing Annual: Bloodlust
- Van Helsing vs Dracula
- Van Helsing vs Dracula's Daughter
- Van Helsing vs Frankenstein
- Van Helsing vs Robyn Hood
- Van Helsing vs The League of Monsters
- Van Helsing vs The Mummy of Amun-Ra
- Van Helsing vs The Werewolf
- Van Helsing: Sword of Heaven
- Van Helsing: The Darkness & The Light