April LIVE - The History! Humble Bundle Monthly
A new type of bundle...
The "APRIL Bundle" is live now. Take a look.
Humble bundle has started a monthly bundle subscription called "Humble Monthly" . If you subscribe for $12 / month, you'll receive a bundle full of currated games sent to your inbox every month. An adventure awaits.
Get the next Humble Monthly here! - Don't miss it. 🙂
Important update:
It's now possible ot purchase this bundle with Paypal.
What is the Humble Monthly Bundle?
A highly curated bundle of our favorite games at one fixed price. Includes everything from recent hits to hidden gems to timeless classics - every month. PC games delivered digitally to you in a monthly subscription bundle. Join for a new slate of games every month. Every bundle you get is yours to keep. Discover games that haven't been featured in other bundles.
Subscribe before the countdown ends to receive the next Humble Monthly Bundle.
- When does each bundle unlock? The first Friday of every month.
- What are the games playable on? Steam for Windows. Sometimes more!
- Can I cancel my subscription? Yes! Whenever you'd like.
- If I cancel, do I keep my games? Of course. They're all yours.
Which games are in the Humble Monthly Bundle?
The Humble Monthly Bundle will contains 6 games each month. All the games will be for Steam, but in the future, the bundle may include DRM-Free games or games for other platforms too. (via IGN)
- 1 hot title - Less than one year old.
- 1 highly-acclaimed title - Between one to two years old.
- 1-2 hit indie games.
- 1-2 hidden gems from developers.
The history of the Humble Monthly
Following you'll find all issues of the Humble Monthly Bundle
NEXT BUNDLE: April 2018 - What's inside?
Get the next Humble Monthly here!
The content of the next Humble Bundle has not been revealed! (see our countdown)
The pre-order games: Immediately receive:
- Dead Rising 4
- Kerbal Space Program
...with more to come!
While you wait for the rest of the bundle, start playing right away!
Hint: Follow us on facebook... and you'll never miss an update!
30: April 6th, 2018 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
Mafia III
(STEAM, 48% positive reviews!)
- Preorder bonus! -
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
(STEAM, 67% positive reviews!)
- Preorder bonus! -
GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst
(STEAM, 80% positive reviews!)
- Preorder bonus! -
Mafia III: Sign of the Times
(STEAM, 89% positive reviews!)
- Preorder bonus! -
Outlast 2
(STEAM, 87% positive reviews!) -
Lara Croft GO
(STEAM, 94% positive reviews!) -
(STEAM, 86% positive reviews!) -
AER Memories of Old
(STEAM, 87% positive reviews!) -
Laser League
(STEAM, 91% positive reviews!) -
Lyric Sonata
(DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
29: March 3nd, 2018 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
(STEAM, 91% positive reviews!)
- Preorder bonus! -
(STEAM, 72% positive reviews!)
- Preorder bonus! -
DARK SOULS 3 Ashes of Ariandel DLC
(STEAM, 58% positive reviews!)
- Preorder bonus! -
Lost Castle
(STEAM, 91% positive reviews!) -
(STEAM, 97% positive reviews!) -
Aviary Attorney
(STEAM, 95% positive reviews!) -
Last Day of June
(STEAM, 93% positive reviews!) -
Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?!
(STEAM, 91% positive reviews!) -
Game 1
(DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals! -
(DRM-FREE) - Humble Monthly Debut!
28: Febraury 2nd, 2018 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- Sid Meier’s Civilization VI (STEAM, 71% positive reviews!) - Preorder bonus!
- Owlboy (STEAM, 90% positive reviews!) - Preorder bonus!
- Civ 6 DLC - Vikings Scenario Pack (STEAM, 9% positive reviews!) - Preorder bonus!
- Civ 6 DLC - Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack (STEAM, 39% positive reviews!) - Preorder bonus!
- Life is Strange Complete (STEAM, 97% positive reviews!)
- Tacoma (STEAM, 86% positive reviews!)
- Black The Fall (STEAM, 81% positive reviews!)
- Snake Pass (STEAM, 89% positive reviews!)
- The Norwood Suite (STEAM, 93% positive reviews!)
- Fortune-499 (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
27: January 5th, 2018 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- Quantum Break (STEAM, 86% positive reviews!) - Preorder bonus!
- The Long Dark (STEAM, 92% positive reviews!) - Preorder bonus!
- Warhammer 4k: Dawn of War 3 (STEAM, 50% positive reviews!) - Preorder bonus!
- Tomb Raider (STEAM, 96% positive reviews!)
- Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition (STEAM, 90% positive reviews!)
- HIVESWAP: Act 1 (STEAM, 95% positive reviews!)
- Mr. Shifty (STEAM, 90% positive reviews!)
- Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX) (STEAM, 98% positive reviews!)
- Hitch Hiker (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
26: December 1st, 2017 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- H1Z1 (STEAM, 63% positive reviews!) - Preorder bonus!
- Rivals of Aether (STEAM, 90% positive reviews!)
- BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend (STEAM, 93% positive reviews!)
- Nex Machina (STEAM, 90% positive reviews!)
- The Sexy Brutale (STEAM, 95% positive reviews!)
- STRAFE: Millennium Edition (STEAM, 71% positive reviews!)
- Passpartout: The Starving Artist (STEAM, 79% positive reviews!)
- Way of the Passive Fist (STEAM, no reviews yet!)
- Thor.N (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
- Crescent Bay (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
25: November 3rd, 2017 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- The Elder Scrolls® Online: Tamriel Unlimited (STEAM, 77% positive reviews!) - Preorder bonus!
- Silence (STEAM, 86% positive reviews!)
- Resident Evil 5/ Biohazard 5 (STEAM, 85% positive reviews!)
- Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun (STEAM, 97% positive reviews!)
- Resident Evil 6 / Biohazard 6 (STEAM, 80% positive reviews!)
- Emily is Away Too (STEAM, 96% positive reviews!)
- World to the West (STEAM, 88% positive reviews!)
- (The Elder Scrolls: Legends - free-to-play content pack)
- (Quake Champions - free-to-play content pack)
- Wilmot's Warehouse (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
24: October 6th, 2017 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- Rise of the Tomb Raider (STEAM, 93% positive reviews!) - Preorder bonus!
- Wargame Red Dragon (STEAM, 88% positive reviews!)
- Furi (STEAM, 93% positive reviews!)
- Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You (STEAM, 93% positive reviews!)
- Seasons After Fall (STEAM, 87% positive reviews!)
- The Shrouded Isle (STEAM, 74% positive reviews!)
- Scanner Sombre (STEAM, 88% positive reviews!)
- Getting Over It (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
23: September 1st, 2017 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- Killing Floor 2 (STEAM, 86% positive reviews!) - Preorder bonus!
- The Banner Saga 2 (STEAM, 92% positive reviews!)
- Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight (STEAM, 96% positive reviews!)
- Worms W.M.D (STEAM, 80% positive reviews!)
- Stories Untold (STEAM, 89% positive reviews!)
- HackyZack (STEAM, 100% positive reviews!)
- Eterium (STEAM, 87% positive reviews!)
- Nongünz (STEAM, 87% positive reviews!)
- Volantia (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
22: August 4th, 2017 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- Pillars of Eternity (STEAM, 86% positive reviews!)- Preorder bonus!
- NBA 2K17 (STEAM, 53% positive reviews!)- Preorder bonus!
- One Piece Burning Blood (STEAM, 79% positive reviews!)
- Offworld Trading Company (STEAM, 76% positive reviews!)
- War for the Overworld (STEAM, 80% positive reviews!)
- Overcooked (STEAM, 92% positive reviews!)
- Wuppo (STEAM, 99% positive reviews!)
- Nongünz (STEAM, 87% positive reviews!)
- Quit City (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
21: July 7th, 2017 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- DARK SOULS™ II (STEAM, 89% positive reviews!)- Preorder bonus!
- Galactic Civilizations III (STEAM, 77% positive reviews!)
- Hyper Light Drifter (STEAM, 94% positive reviews!)
- Armello (STEAM, 78% positive reviews!)
- SimplePlanes (STEAM, 93% positive reviews!)
- Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter (STEAM, 75% positive reviews!)
- Kero Blaster (STEAM, 96% positive reviews!)
- 2000:1: A Space Felony (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
20: June 2nd, 2017 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- Stellaris (STEAM, 87% positive reviews!)- Preorder bonus!
- Plague Inc: Evolved (STEAM, 94% positive reviews!)
- SUPERHOT (STEAM, 87% positive reviews!)
- Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation (STEAM, 78% positive reviews!)
- Brigador (STEAM, 96% positive reviews!)
- Shoppe Keep (STEAM, 78% positive reviews!)
- Maize (STEAM, 83% positive reviews!)
- Tiny Echo (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
19: May 5th, 2017 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- DiRT Rally (STEAM, 91% positive reviews!)- Preorder bonus!
- INSIDE (STEAM, 95% positive reviews!)- Preorder bonus!
- This Is the Police (STEAM, 87% positive reviews!)
- Undertale (STEAM, 96% positive reviews!)
- Metrico (STEAM, 100% positive reviews!)
- GoNNER (STEAM, 92% positive reviews!)
- The Turing Test (STEAM, 89% positive reviews!)
- Super Rude Bear Resurrection (STEAM, no reviews yet!) - Humble Debut!
- A2Be (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
- Underwhere (Comic)
18: April 7th, 2017 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- The Witness (STEAM, 85% positive reviews!)- Preorder bonus!
- Layers of Fear (STEAM, 93% positive reviews!)
- Black Mesa (STEAM, 94% positive reviews!)
- Kingdom: New Lands (STEAM, 92% positive reviews!)
- Event[0] (STEAM, 80% positive reviews!)
- Tumblestone (STEAM, 83% positive reviews!)
- Slime-san (STEAM, no reviews yet!) - Humble Debut!
- Jawns (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
17: March 3rd, 2017 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- Total War: WARHAMMER (STEAM, 70% positive reviews!)- Preorder bonus!
- Poly Bridge (STEAM, 90% positive reviews!)
- Space Run Galaxy (STEAM, 73% positive reviews!)
- One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 (STEAM, 84% positive reviews!)
- RIVE: Wreck, Hack, Die, Retry (STEAM, 96% positive reviews!)
- Flat Heroes (STEAM, 100% positive reviews!)
- Morphblade (STEAM, no reviews yet!) - Humble Debut!
- Uurnog (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
16: February 3rd, 2017 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- Ryse: Son of Rome (STEAM, 84% positive reviews!)
- ABZÛ (STEAM, 93% positive reviews!)
- SteamWorld Heist (STEAM, 97% positive reviews!)
- Okhlos (STEAM, 89% positive reviews!)
- Project Highrise (STEAM, 82% positive reviews!)
- XCOM 2 (STEAM, 94% positive reviews!)- Preorder bonus!
- Husk (STEAM, no reviews yet!) - Humble Debut!
- Oh, Deer! (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
- Hollow Knight (DRM-FREE) - Sneak Peek
15: January 6th, 2017 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- Project CARS (STEAM, 77% positive reviews!)
- Mother Russia Bleeds (STEAM, 88% positive reviews!)
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky (STEAM, 93% positive reviews!)
- Neon Chrome (STEAM, 96% positive reviews!)
- Jotun: Valhalla Edition (STEAM, 85% positive reviews!)
- Vermintide (STEAM, 80% positive reviews!)- Preorder bonus!
- HoPiKo (STEAM, no reviews yet!) - Humble Debut!
- Kimmy (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
14: December 2nd, 2016 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- The Escapists (STEAM, 91% positive reviews!)
- Mordheim: City of the Damned (STEAM, 72% positive reviews!)
- Hacknet (STEAM, 94% positive reviews!)
- Western Press (STEAM, 92% positive reviews!)
- The Flame in the Flood (STEAM, 84% positive reviews!)
- Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (STEAM, 90% positive reviews!)- Preorder bonus!
- Mighty Minions (STEAM, no reviews yet!) - Humble Debut!
- Yojimbrawl (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
13: November 4th, 2016 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- Stardew Valley (STEAM, 96% positive reviews!)
- Broforce (STEAM, 97% positive reviews!)
- Rebel Galaxy (STEAM, 88% positive reviews!)
- Beyond Eyes (STEAM, 76% positive reviews!)
- Kathy Rain (STEAM, 93% positive reviews!)
- Styx: Master of Shadows (STEAM, 84% positive reviews!)- Preorder bonus!
- Pirate Pop Plus (STEAM, 100% positive reviews!) - Humble Debut!
- Triband (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
12: October 7th, 2016 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- Slime Rancher (STEAM, 95% positive reviews!)
- Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number (STEAM, 90% positive reviews!)
- Deponia Doomsday (STEAM, 91% positive reviews!)
- Train Valley (STEAM, 92% positive reviews!)
- Action Henk (STEAM, 92% positive reviews!)
- Grim Dawn (STEAM, 93% positive reviews!)- Preorder bonus!
- THOTH (STEAM, 100% positive reviews!) - Humble Debut!
- Fidel (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
11: September 2nd, 2016 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- Banner Saga (STEAM, 90% positive reviews!)
- WWE 2K16 (STEAM, 68% positive reviews!)
- Sheltered (STEAM, 81% positive reviews!)
- Epistory (STEAM, 98% positive reviews!)
- Town of Salem (STEAM, 90% positive reviews!)
- SOMA (STEAM, 96% positive reviews!) - Preorder bonus!
- The Uncertain (STEAM, no reviews yet!) - Humble Debut!
- SPOOLSIDE (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
10: August 5th, 2016 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- Poi (STEAM, 95% positive reviews!)
- The Jackbox Party Pack 2 (STEAM, 92% positive reviews!)
- Planet of the Eyes (STEAM, 93% positive reviews!)
- Starward Rogue (STEAM, 98% positive reviews!)
- The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut (STEAM, 72% positive reviews!)
- Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Multiplayer Starter Pack (STEAM, no reviews yet!) - Preorder bonus!
- Random Access Murder (STEAM, no reviews yet!) - Humble Debut!
- DISC ROOM (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
09: July 1st, 2016 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- Kentucky Route Zero (STEAM, 86% positive reviews!)
- Satellite Reign (STEAM, 81% positive reviews!)
- TIS-100 (STEAM, 98% positive reviews!)
- The Red Solstice (STEAM, 85% positive reviews!)
- Avernum 2: Crystal Souls (STEAM, 93% positive reviews!)
- Hurtworld (80% positive reviews on Steam) - Preorder bonus!
- Cthulhu Realms! (STEAM, no reviews yet!) - Humble Debut!
- Copoka (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
08: June 3rd, 2016 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- The Forest (STEAM, 91% positive reviews!)
- Planetary Annihilation: TITANS (STEAM, 76% positive reviews!)
- Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (STEAM, 99% positive reviews!)
- Dungeon of the Endless (STEAM, 91% positive reviews!)
- Steredenn (STEAM, 90% positive reviews!)
- Rocket League (STEAM, 94% positive reviews!) - Preorder bonus!
- WASTED (STEAM, no reviews yet!) - Humble Debut!
- Cat Girl Without Salad: Amuse-Bouche (DRM-FREE) - Humble Originals!
07: May 6th, 2016 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- Infinifactory
- Crawl
- JumpJet Rex
- Fran Bow
- Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty
- Mad Max (Preorder bonus)
- 1993 Space Machine (Preorder bonus)
- Gunmetal Arcadia Zero (Humble Originals)
06: April 1th, 2016 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- Nuclear Throne
- Renowned Explorers: International Society
- Nova-111
- The Magic Circle
- Avalanche 2: Super Avalanche
- Stikbold! A Dodgeball Adventure
- South Park - The Stick of Truth (Preorder bonus)
- This War of Mine (Preorder bonus)
- Tailwind Prologue (Humble Originals)
05: March 4th, 2016 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- Wasteland 2: Director's Cut
- Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
- I am Bread
- Sentinels of the Multiverse
- ARK: Survival Evolved (Preorder bonus)
- Switchcars (Humble Monthly Debut)
- Battlesloths (Humble Originals)
04: February 5th, 2016 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- Titan Souls
- Broken Age
- Volume
- Penarium
- Dropsy
- Elephant in the Room (Humble Originals)
- Alien: Isolation (Preorder bonus)
- Planetoid Pioneers (Sneak Peek Demo)
03: January 1st, 2016 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
02: December 4th, 2015 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
- Banished
- Rust
- Payday 2 (+ 3 DLC)
- Neon Struct
- Chroma Squad
- Company Of Heroes 2 (+ Western Front Armies + British Forces)
- Shadwen (Bonus Sneak Peak Demo)
01: November 6th, 2015 - Games of the Monthly Bundle
You'll find more details on Humble Bundle's Monthly Bundle site.
This bundle contains:
Hints for the first bundle: PM Hint on Twitter (Update: 4 Nov 2015 8:00 PM)
For more information, see Humble Bundles' help article. This Monthly Bundle FAQ covers the topics "How do I join?", "How do I cancel?", "How do I change my card info / email address?" and "Can I get multiple copies of Humble Monthly?".