Humble BOOM! Studios Bundle
We like that BOOM! BOOM! pow.
Summer will be looking bright with this comic Humble Bundle from BOOM! Studios. Get Lumberjanes, Joyride, The Cloud, Mouse Guard, and lots more comics to take you on a glorious reading vacation.
All together, these ebooks would cost over $492.
Pay what you want starting at $1 - Pay more, get more!
▶ Get the complete bundle here!
Hint: Don't miss the epic Humble MONTHLY bundle ❤
Included digital books:
- Abigail & The Snowman
- Bee & Puppycat Vol. 1 + 2
- Brave Chef Brianna
- Bravest Warriors Vol. 1 - 3
- Coady & The Creepies Vol. 1
- Dodge City #1
- Feathers
- Fence #1
- Giant Days Vol. 1 - 3
- Goldie Vance Vol. 1 + 2
- Gunnerkrigg Court Vol. 1
- Heavy Vinyl #1
- Help Us, Great Warrior!
- Jonesy Vol. 1
- Joyride Vol. 1
- Ladycastle
- Lumberjanes Vol. 1 - 4
- Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy #1
- Lumberjanes: Beyond Bay Leaf Special
- Lumberjanes: Makin' the Ghost of It Special
- Mech Cadet Yu #1
- Mega Princess #1
- Misfit City #1
- Mouse Guard: Baldwin the Brave and Other Stories
- Natasha Allegri
- Rust: The Boy Soldier
- Teen Dog Vol. 1
- The Backstagers Vol. 1
- The Cloud
- Tyson Hesse's Diesel: Ignition
- Writer: Joey Comeau
These DRM-FREE books are available in PDF, ePUB, and MOBI, meaning you can read them anywhere at any time.