Humble Book Bundle: Mindfulness & Meditation
Pay what you want starting at $1. Breathe in, breathe out. Aaah, zen. Get a bundle filled to the brim with mindfulness and meditation ebooks. Don't miss Humble Bundle's newest bundle!
This bundle contains
- Mindfulness in Sound: Tune in to the world around us
- Life Unplugged: A Digital Detox Workbook
- Mind Remedy: Discover, Make and Use Simple Objects to Nourish Your Soul
- Mindfulness at Work: Flourishing in The Workplace
- Mindful Thoughts for Mothers: A journey of loving-awareness
- Be Kind: A Year of Kindness, One Week at a Time
- Find Your Flow: The Simple and Life-Changing Practice for a Happier You
- Perfectly Mindful Origami - Origami Zodiac East and West
- Find Your Glow, Feed Your Soul: A Guide for Cultivating a Vibrant Life of Peace & Purpose
- Serenity Passport: A world tour of peaceful living in 30 words
- Mindful Thoughts at Home: Finding heart in the home
- How to be Content: An inspired guide to happiness
- Mindful Universe: A journey through the inner and outer cosmos
- Mindful Travelling: Journeying the world, discovering yourself
- Mindfulness and the Big Questions: Philosophy for now
- Art of Mindful Birdwatching: Reflections on Freedom & Being
- Mindful Art of Wild Swimming: Reflections for Zen Seekers
- Meditation Made Simple: Weekly Practices for Relieving Stress, Finding Balance, and Cultivating Joy
- Find Your Mantra: Inspire and Empower Your Life with 75 Positive Affirmations
- Mindful Thoughts for Stargazers: Find your inner universe
- Spiritual Poems of Rumi: Translated by Nader Khalili
- Moonlight Gratitude: 365 Nighttime Meditations for Deep, Tranquil Sleep All Year Long
- Mindful Crafting: The Maker's Creative Journey
- Mindfulness for Students: Embracing Now, Looking to the Future
- In Focus Meditation: Your Personal Guide
- Conscious Creativity: Look, Connect, Create
- Best Meditations on the Planet: 100 Techniques to Beat Stress, Improve Health, and Create Happiness-In Just Minutes A Day
- Art of Mindful Reading: Embracing the Wisdom of Words
- Be Happy: 35 Powerful Methods for Personal Growth & Well-Being
- Seeking Slow: Reclaim Moments of Calm in Your Day
- Mindful Thoughts for Walkers: Footnotes on the zen path
- Mindful Thoughts for Makers: Connecting head, heart, hands
- Eff This! Meditation: 108 Tips, Tricks, and Ideas for When You're Feeling Anxious, Stressed Out, or Overwhelmed
- Mindful Thoughts for Cyclists: Finding Balance on Two Wheels
- Mindfulness in Music: Notes on Finding Life's Rhythm
- Sumi-e Painting: Master the meditative art of Japanese brush painting
- Joy of Forest Bathing: Reconnect With Wild Places & Rejuvenate Your Life
- Love Poems of Rumi: Translated by Nader Khalili
- Progress Over Perfection: A Guide to Mindful Productivity
- Spiritual Places