GAMES for FREE: Freedom Friday (2014-10-24)

GAMES for FREE: Freedom Friday (2014-10-24)

4 games for FREE... for a perfect start to that perfect weekend! (...) This time you´ll get two First Person Shooter, a Tactical Shooter and a Hack'n'Slash as DRM-Free direct download and on Desura.

Hint: Follow us on facebook... and you won't miss the next GAME for FREE!

If you have any question or problem, take a look at the comments! You´ve played some of these games? What´s your opinion?

Hint: You´ll find even more GAMES for FREE (Steam, Origin, DRM-Free) on our DEALS page.

Game 1: Holyspirit

a Hack'n'Slash for Windows.

"A hack'n'Slash is an action role playing game, like Diablo. You play a Holyspirit, which is an old corrupted soul who has been enlisted in God's army. You must liberate the country from the evil who has been unleashed against the living ones."

Get this GAME for FREE here!

Game 2: Urban Terror

a First Person Shooter for Windows, Mac and Linux.

"Urban Terror is a free multiplayer first person shooter developed by FrozenSand, that (thanks to the ioquake3-code) does not require Quake III Arena anymore. It is available for Windows, Linux and Macintosh."

Get this GAME for FREE here!

Game 3: Spooky's House of Jump Scares

a First Person Shooter for Windows.

"Can you survive 1000 rooms of cute terror? Or will you break once the cuteness starts to fade off and your running for your life from the unspeakable hideous beings that shake and writhe in bowels of this house? They wait for you, they wait and hunger for meeting you. "

Get this GAME for FREE here!

Game 4: Music of the Spheres

a Tactical Shooter for Windows

"Music of the Spheres is a puzzle-shooter about bouncing bullets, Islamic art, and sound. In it you can fire bullets which bounce, and when they bounce, a specific glockenspiel note is played."

Get this GAME for FREE here!

How to get the games?

First click the "Get the game for FREE!" button, than click the "install game" button. The game is added to your Desura account directly!

It´s also possible to "direct download" the game without using the Desura client! Just click the "install game" button and select "download direct".

Don´t miss the weekly Desura Freedom Friday. You´ll find the link below!

More "FOR FREE"?

You want find more for free on Epic Bundle? Find all post here!

Hint: You'll find many freebies on our game deals & voucher page! Have fun.