Free Tabletop Day 2014 Bundle
A free tabletop RPG QuickStart bundle!
OneBookShelf´s celebrating the International Tabletop Day 2014 with a bundle of free gaming goodness.
You'll find many of OneBookShelf´s most popular tabletop RPG QuickStarts to let you jump into your game of choice.
Get the complete bundle for FREE (Regular price $71.95)
These quick starts / rule books are included:
- BattleTech: A Time of War Quick-Start Rules
- Book 0: Introduction to Traveller
- Call of Cthulhu Quick-Start Rules
- Derby Day - Ghosts of Albion Quickstart
- Dragon Age RPG Quick Start Guide
- Dragons of Faerûn (3.5(
- Eclipse Phase: Quick-Start Rules
- Firefly Echoes of War: Wedding Planners Cortex Plus
- FirstFable
- Fools Rush In
- Night's Black Agents: Excess Baggage
- Obsidian LARP Quickstart
- PreHysteria
- Progenitor
- Scarlet Heroes Quickstart
- Scarred Lands Campaign Setting: Termana
- The Spring Heeled Menace
- Trinity RPG Quickstart
- World of Darkness Rulebook
- Yes, but is it Art, a Demo Adventure for Flatpack