Free STEAM Game: Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok
A new game for free. Grab it now and keep it forever. A retro styled adventure/RPG hybrid with atmosphere like the classics. Play as warrior, sorceress, or rogue as you travel through the rich world of Norse mythology to keep it from eternal winter. Each class has different puzzle solutions, making for good replay value.
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Some details for this free game.
Explore the rich world of Nordic mythology! Egther, last of the Frost Giants, has sworn to turn all the world to ice. A young heroine is called to fight him, but first she must survive the harsh environment, battle hostile trolls, and deal with many creatures and characters from the classic myths.
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How do claim the game for free?
You'll find all instructions on the following page. Please read carefully!
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Have fun with this game gift, ...and do not miss to tell your friends! 😉