Free Game on STEAM: Delores - A Thimbleweed Park Mini-Adventure
Delores: A Thimbleweed Park Mini-Adventure, a brand-new adventure game by Ron Gilbert, is available for free. A strange little game for the strange and stressful times we find ourselves in.
Have fun with this freebie, and don't miss to tell your friends.
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Some details for this free game.
Stay safe and I hope this little game helps, even a little. -- Ron Gilbert
The year is 1988. Adventure game developer Delores Edmund, on hiatus from her job at MMucasFlem Games, has returned to Thimbleweed Park for a quick vacation. While she’s home, she’s making some extra money as a photographer for the Thimbleweed Nickel News. Hey, game developers need to eat, too!
Thimbleweed Park hasn’t changed at all in the year since Delores has been away… or has it?
Watch a video for this freebie.
How do claim the game for free?
You'll find all instructions on the following page. Please read carefully!
» Get the GAME for FREE here! (STEAM)
» Get the GAME for FREE here! (Epic Games Store)
If you've any question or problem, then just take a look at the comments! Feel free to ask a question, or just add a note! Our epic community will help you for sure.
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Good luck and have fun with this free game deal!