Free Game: From Orbit
From Orbit, a quick and light single player Action RTS, is available for free right now. This game usually costs $8.19. Get it now, keep it forever!
Have fun with this freebie, and don't miss to tell your friends.
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Some details for this free game.
Guide your stranded crew home as they land on alien planets, scout out the area, build defenses, harvest valuable resources, and launch back into orbit before being overwhelmed by hostile aliens.
Watch a video for this freebie.
How do claim the game for free?
You'll find all instructions on the following page. Please read carefully!
If you've any question or problem, then just take a look at the comments! Feel free to ask a question, or just add a note! Our epic community will help you for sure.
Hint: Follow us on facebook... and you'll never miss a GAME for FREE!
Don't miss the NEW Humble CHOICE Bundle ❤ and find More GAMES for FREE here.
Good luck and have fun with this free game deal!