Fanatical - Steam All Stars 14 Game Bundle
Superstar Steam PC games in one awesome collection - don’t miss out on the brand-new All Stars 14 Bundle. Enjoy seven titles featuring highly-rated and well-known Indie hits that’ll bring a sprinkle of stardom to your library.
▶ Get the complete bundle here!
This deal is part of Fanatical's current sale Take a look and don't miss their great deals ! 🙂
This game bundle contains
The one and only non-linear adventure with 100 different endings.
Rebel Galaxy
Rebel Galaxy ist ein verwegenes Weltraumabenteuer mit actiongeladenen Schlachten, Erforschungen, Entdeckungen und "Verhandlungen" mit den fremdartigen Bewohnern am Rande des bekannten Universums.
Crookz - The Big Heist
Crookz - The Big Heist is a tactical strategy game set in the funky 1970’s with a slick and groovy atmosphere.
Blood Bowl 2
Blood Bowl 2 smashes Warhammer and American football together, in an explosive cocktail of turn-based strategy, humour and brutality, adapted from Games Workshop’s famous boardgame.
Mordheim: City of the Damned
Mordheim: City of the Damned ist die erste Videospieladaption des Kult-Tabletops Mortheim aus dem Hause Games Workshop.