DailyIndieGame - Atonement Deal

DailyIndieGame - Atonement Deal

The "Pay What You Want" Game Deal!

"The last king was killed over 400 years ago and the global rule of the land ceased to exist. Now the bandits roam the roads and wild animals roam the fields. Safety can be found in smaller villages, where groups of people have banded to work together in order to survive."

The game is redeemable on Desura and playable on your Windows PC. Get it for only $0.99 - or pay more than the average for a 2nd key! It's also on Steam Greenlight. Don't miss to vote for it.

This game bundle contains

Steam % 71

Atonement: Scourge of Time

Greenlight, Desura | Windows | Adventure, Console-style RPG, Indie, RPG

The last king was killed over 400 years ago and the global rule of the land ceased to exist.

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